

Physics at the Terascale, Ian C. Brock, Thomas Schorner-Sadenius (editors), Wiley-VCH, 2011:
J. Grosse-Knetter, R. Mankel, C. Rembser, Chapter 14: Tracking detectors: Following the charges.


(General ATLAS papers and ZEUS papers are not listed)
ATLAS Pixel Detector Phase-II Upgrade (inner tracker, ITk)
ATLAS Pixel Detector Phase-0 Upgrade (insetable b-layer, IBL)

ATLAS Pixel Detector

J. Grosse-Knetter, H. Krüger, N. Wermes (editors),
Proceedings of the Pixel 2005 Workshop, Bonn (2005), NIM A 565, Issue 1.

ATLAS Physics Analysis


1999 UK Phenomenology Workshop on Collider Physics (Durham)
BC Allanach et al., Report of the Beyond the Standard Model Working Group,
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 26 (2000) 551.
Measurement of Elastic Photoproduction at HERA,
DESY Internal Report: DESY F35D-97-02, February 1997


VERTEX 2014 Conference, Macha Lake, 2014
Upgrades of ATLAS inner detector for HL-LHC (pixels)
SPIN-Praha-2013 Conference, Prague, 2013
Recent results by the ATLAS Collaboration
13th ICATPP Conference, Como, 2011
Overview of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (IBL) Project
Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2007, Elba
talk on Early Standard Model physics and early discovery strategy in ATLAS
Oberseminar des II. Physikalischen Instituts
talk on Die ATLAS SCT und Pixel Detektoren (May 2007)
Teilchenphysikseminar des PIs der Uni Bonn
talk on Der ATLAS Pixel Detektor (5 Apr 2007)
Teilchenphysikseminar der Uni Hamburg/DESY
talk on ATLAS SCT & Pixel Detectors (7 Nov 2005)
10th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors, Wildbad Kreuth 2005
talk on The ATLAS Pixel Detector
DPF 2004, Riverside
talk on Physics reach of the ATLAS experiment during the first LHC run
VERTEX 2003, Lake Windermere
talk on Overview of the ATLAS Pixel Detector
XXIII Physics in Collision, Zeuthen 2003
poster on Construction and Tests of Modules for the ATLAS Pixel Detector
XIth Rencontres de Blois 1999
talk on Deep Inelastic Scattering at High Q2
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg 1999
Hauptvortrag über Lepton-Proton-Streuung bei grossen Impulsüberträgen
ICHEP 1998, Vancouver
talk on NC and CC Cross Sections at High Q2 from ZEUS at HERA
XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond 1997
talk on Diffraction at HERA
Page maintained by Jörn Grosse-Knetter
Last modified: Sun May 8 15:34:38 CEST 2016